Content Operations

Using Visual Recognition in Content Marketing: Lessons from a Matching Game

Recently, I have been playing this matching game on my phone. They dump random items in a pile, and you must match them. They’re all different shapes, sizes, and categories. It got me thinking about my approach to playing this game. It would help me understand how my audience is reacting to my content.
My approach to this game is to look for the large items first. Things that I know I can get out of the way quickly. Second, I look for things with the same colors. If there are a lot of items on the board, I might start creating piles of items with the same color. If there are not a lot of items, I might randomly look for those specific colors, and I keep narrowing down the pile until I get to the items that are harder to see and match.
So, how can that help you with your content marketing? Understanding how your audience sees, reacts, and categorizes your content can help you make content that will resonate more effectively with them.


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